
Medical guidelines and references.


COPD vs Asthma Spirometry

Updated: 24th Nov 2023

COPD vs Asthma

SmokerAlmost allMaybe
Chronic productive coughCommonRare
BreathlessPersistent and progressiveVariable
Night time breathlessness or wheezeRareCommon
Day to day variationRareCommon
If any doubt, consider reversibility testing.


Restrictive pattern

  • Examples – fibrosing alveolitis, scoliosis
  • FVC < 80%
  • FEV1 reduced
  • FEV1/FVC normal

Obstructive pattern

  • COPD
    • FEV1/FVC < 0.7
    • FEV1 < 80%
      • Mild 50-80%
      • Moderate 30-49%
      • Severe < 30%
    • Reversibility test only if diagnostic doubt or asthma co-existing
      • COPD excluded if
        • FEV1/FVC & FEV1 returns normal after bronchodilator
      • Consider asthma if
        • Large (>400ml) FEV1 response to bronchodilator
  • Asthma
    • High probability – Treatment and review
    • Intermediate – Reversibility spirometry
      • FEV1/FVC < 0.7
      • FEV1 < 80%
      • Large (>400ml) FEV1 response to bronchodilator
    • Low probability – Consider alternative diagnosis [reconsider diagnosis if other causes excluded]
    • PEFR logs
      • >60 l/min is significant reversibility
      • Look for daily or diurnal variations
      • > 20% variation is of significance