Screen Balance: Privacy policy.


Welcome to the Screen Balance app for Android!


This is an Android app developed by Niranjan Paudyal.  The app is also available on Google Play.


As an avid Android user myself, I take privacy very seriously. I know how irritating it is when apps collect your data without your knowledge.


I hereby state, to the best of my knowledge and belief, that I have not programmed this app to collect any personally identifiable information. All data (app preferences, theme, etc.) are created by the you (the user) and is stored on your device only - they can be simply erased by clearing the app's data or uninstalling it.


Explanation of permissions requested in the app:


android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE:  This permission allows Screen Balance ensure that it is constantly running as a priority, even if you close the Screen Balance App.  This is to make sure that any colour changes to the screen is preserved and that you do not constantly have to keep opening the App to re-apply it.  If you decide to purchase the Pro version of Screen Balance, this permission is required to take payment from yourself.  Your personal data is processed as per privacy, terms and policies of Google Pay.  It is found here:  


android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED:  When your device restarts, all settings set in the App are lost. This permission enables the app to receive a message from the system once the system has rebooted and you have unlocked your device the first time. When this message is received, the app creates a service to set all the settings active again.


If you find any security vulnerability that has been inadvertently caused by me, or have any question regarding how the app protects your privacy, please send me an email or post a discussion on GitHub, and I will surely try to fix it/help you.


Yours sincerely,

Niranjan Paudyal